Complete Marriage Proposal Checklist To Consider

Mar 16, 2023

Complete Marriage Proposal Checklist To Consider

Are you getting ready to propose? Here's everything you need to know to make sure your proposal is perfect.

You're ready to ask the love of your life that all-important question… "Will you marry me?". It's an exciting time, but if you want your proposal to be remembered as one of the most romantic and thoughtful ever, you'll need to do some planning.

Continue reading for the top ten things to do before getting down on one knee.

How Do You Prepare For A Proposal?

The wonderful thing about proposals is that they are completely unique, and there are no rules you must follow to make your engagement official. Don't want to pop the question with an engagement ring? You are not required to do so.

In fact, some couples enjoy going ring shopping together after the proposal. Think getting down on one knee is out of date? Then don't bother. If your partner is shy and dislikes being the centre of attention, you can simply pop the question in a private setting with no fanfare or fuss.

Regardless of how you intend to propose, whether it's a low-key affair surrounded by family and friends, with a professional photographer capturing the big moment, it's critical to think it through carefully and plan ahead using our proposal checklist, so it doesn't come across as a last-minute decision or sound flippant.

After all, you're asking your partner to spend the rest of their life with you and to devote their entire future to you, which is a big ask!

Ultimate Marriage Proposal Checklist

Talk With Your Partner's Family

This may seem like an old-fashioned way to begin, but nowadays it's more about involving your partner's family than asking permission from their father or mother. Your partner's parents will be delighted to be included in the surprise and will be touched that you thought to inform them of your plans.

Make a Budget

Before you go out and buy the most glitzy ring you can find, you should think about how much you can afford to spend.

Remember that once your girlfriend says yes to the proposal, you'll have to start budgeting for a wedding day, so don't empty your bank account just because you're proposing.

Find Their Ring Style

Another task on the proposal checklist before you hit the jewellery stores is to figure out their ring style. Some couples openly discuss their preferences for engagement rings, while others have never discussed the subject at all.

If you are the latter, you can talk to their friends and family to find out what kind of ring style they prefer.

Invest in a Smart Ring Box

Now that you have a lovely ring in your possession, the time has come to propose.

But don't forget to present it in a romantic and unique manner. Nobody wants a ring that is covered in fingerprints or that is given after the giver has rummaged through their pockets for five minutes!

Happy days if the jewellery shop includes a really nice ring box. If not, or if you want to make it extra special, you can purchase a lovely ring box.

Select a Good Hiding Place

It would be unfair to ruin the surprise now that you've progressed this far down the marriage proposal checklist. So, take your time and look for a safe and secret hiding place that your partner will not come across by accident before the proposal. When proposing, wear an outfit with hidden pockets to avoid giving the game away at the last minute.

Locate the Perfect Location

Consider a proposal location that is meaningful to you both or that appears and feels magical enough for a proposal. When it comes to proposals, many people choose a favourite restaurant, but your special place could be a holiday spot, your own home, or the location where you first met.

Consider whether you want to include some sort of activity. Perhaps a Champagne picnic? A professional photographer for a photo shoot? If you want to go all-out, put on a firework display.

If you've chosen a restaurant, let them know ahead of time so they can help you avoid being interrupted during the big moment.

Ensure Proper Timing

This may seem obvious, but in all the excitement, it is easy to overlook and make sure your partner is available on the day you want to propose. Ask a friend to "organise" something for that date with her/him so that it's a complete surprise when you show up. If you want to invite others to an impromptu engagement party after they've said "yes," you'll need to plan ahead of time to ensure everyone can attend.

Prepare a Proposal Speech

Last but not least, make sure you have a few words prepared so you don't get tongue-tied in all the excitement and ruin the special moment. In the run-up to the big day, write a short speech (it's good to practise for your wedding day anyway) and say it aloud a few times in your head before you start proposing. Your partner will be impressed by a well-prepared and heartfelt speech outlining all of the reasons you want to marry them.